

Hopelessly in Love
My day is ninety nine precent
just thinking about you.
I can only fall asleep imagining you next to me,sleeping.

I thought a lot 'bout how to
kiss you and make you comfortable.
Couldn't figure it out,but I still have the night.

I'm in love with you so much.
So much,so hopelessly.

I don't think I can fit all my thoughts about you in one poem.
Anyways I'll try my best.

The scenarios in my head are slowly turning into a story.
But those stories are giving me butterflies already.

I don't think you know how
hopelessly I am in love.

What if we'd make them happen?
Even if slowly,I would be really happy.

You have the power of happiness.
The power to make me the happiest I could ever be.

Hopelessly loving you.
I can't help it,kinda obsessed with you.

I want to be with you all day.
I can't live without you in my heart.

You're like a drug to me.
When we're not talking I'm desperately looking for you in my mind.

© Tortise