

Of having problems and not having them at all.
I am, I have indulged myself in the luxury to declare that I am depressed.
Says who? oh me!! I am a self proclaimed psychologist.
I don't really know what goes on in my head,
One minute I am riding unicorns, the next moment,
it downright scary trip to the cray cray town.
My head is not my own.
Nor my heart, neither my soul.
I think, with all this fuss of being holed up inside, the problem has grown.
Oh but I am not alone, I am surrounded by people at times, loved and care for.
But such is my selfishness,
I refuse to see it all.
Dancing on the borders of madness and sanity,
I have given up all forms of vanity.
Or maybe, maybe, I am just seeking attention. Maybe I don't have any problems at all.
Who knows self pity will become my fall!!

© darkmistress