

Can you come back?
I know it's selfish to ask
but, can you come back?
For longer than just a day,
because you can't come back once and leave forever again.

I want to go for walks on the beach again, and stand on your feet when the sand gets hot.
I want you to pick me up
so I can give you a hug and never let go, because what is only 15 years feels like forever without you.

I want to talk to you about how I'm feeling or when my heart is broken.
I already do that
but, I want to tell you to your face
where my eyes meet yours.
I want to connect with you being here
not just spiritually
but, I can't complain
because the closeness I feel with you is nothing I have ever felt with anyone else before.
It's special.

Can you come back?
because I miss you and it hurts.

Daddy, please come back...
because I love you
and I'm your daughter
a daughter who needs her father.

But I know you can't come back,
because when you died,
you were made into ashes.
Ashes that can't be put back and made human again.

But daddy, I love you more than anything in the world.

I know this,
that we will meet again.

written by:
Melissa Marais