

You don't understand, you never do.
I try to explain but I can't get through you.
I'm now completely drench in depression but you say I'm okay.
I thought you would know better.

Life is not over yet!
Grief and happiness move on the same way,
So face the grief today, accept it and smile
because they're only staying for a while.
Embrace happiness cos it matters a lot.
And remain in the most pedant thought.

When the journey gets tough in life,
Just know which way to go.
When the journey gets tough in life,
Then you are only left to strive.
Cos life is not over yet.

There is always sunlight on the window
Why then do you seek the dark?
There is always so much to gaze around you,
Why can't you see the spark?

When everything seem shattered,
When everything looks broken apart,
When everything does not seem to be bright,
When all you feel is fright,
And feel like ending it,
There should only be one thing that keeps you going.

Hope that you will see the light
Hope that it will shine bright.
Roadblocks are meant to feed you with discouragements,
But once you drink from the cup of determination, Success is Assured.

You got scammed by someone you trusted
and you think suicide is the option,
You got betrayed by a loved one,
and all you can think about is death.

Don't stop and shout at the pebbles that made you fall.
If you can't get up, at least give a crawl.
Yes! Life may live unforgettable scars,
But never be afraid of what lies ahead.
Because life is not over yet................


©® Nathaniel Brown Ablometi ✍️

@Brown_Sketchys ✍️🇬🇭

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