


Are you lost in Something?
Are you sad my friend?
Are you lost in your world?

Have you lost someone or somebody?
Have you felt that you are not good ?
Have you felt that this is not your world?

Tell me friend has anyone torchered you?
Are you feeling frustrated about yourself?
Are you doing things that you shouldn't?

Then my friend you have a solution
Don't think too much what you did
Think what you need to do to

Forget about every sins you did in the past
And try to recover by doing good deeds
Because good deed is indeed a good need

If you are feeling that what people would say about you and about your works
Don't think about that

Think what you can do to benefit a large no of people and to help them in every possible way you can

Don't just think convert it in actions
Stay positive think positive
Because if you think positive you will do positive.

Don't be sad by thinking about yourself
Don't just ruin your life by your actions
Don't blame yourself for your wrong deed

Say to yourself that I have to do something
Something that nobody has done till
Something which benefits not only you but people around you

Don't Give up
Because if you give up then you cannot get up.

- Sauvik