

#WisdomWhispers (Phoenix Royales Edition)

My story is of quietness, an age that's never been young,
Not one of booze, partying, or anything my generation calls, "fun".
Some, later than others, fools that have become earlier fathers and mothers,
Listen to the advice of your slightly older brother:
Learn to take your time, and truly love one another.
Though life is short, and time waits on no man,
You'd think you've figured it out,
Everything you did was part of some elaborate plan.
Yet, the more we learn, the more we tend to complicate our world,
No time for childhood these days,
Now, everyone is just a grown up boy, or girl.
Wisdom is precious, and free to attain,
But knowledge is all you chase after,
Which accounts only for a third of the brain,
Understanding is the glue that holds the three all together,
Separates the deluded and blesses the sane.
If we had followed in their steps, grand generations that have passed,
We would have been much stronger now,
And love would much longer last.
Yet, this world will see the truth, and reject it all the same,
Knowledge isn't the same as wisdom,
They can both walk separate ways.

© Lunaris