

Love Season
Let it rain,
when I'm holding her hand,
winds you too,
please come and have some dance,
surely hold me boldly,
in front of the thousand,
you grab my shoulder,
and allow me to grab your hand,
Let we forget each and every pain,
welcome you the rainbow,
while we expreincing our first date,
let me peep in your eyes,
to witness your grace,
ohh your drenched lips,
let me to taste it while kissing your face,
soon I'll be addicted to your very existence,
Let me grab your hand,
I would make sure that I could match your every step,
And baby have some faith,
In path if you ever faced any nail,
I would make sure that I could absord your half of the pain,
when every drizzle of the rain would splashed on your face,
I would be so jealous that it's touching your grace.
© Mukesh Kumar Gupta