

Downstairs From Summer Now.
Downstairs from Summer now. September first. Hoping for better, but, ready for worst. Feeding hunger. Quenching thirst. Younger. Tender, but terse. When ignorant ones. Don't understand. My rap rhyme verse. Putting my reply. In reverse. Backing negativity into a hearse. As a star, with bursts. Juicy. But, never loose, see. Duck, duck, ducking. Goose. So, my family. Can spruce. From its roost. As train engine. To haters, "kaboose ". Absolutely, my rap rhyming is obtuse. Diffuse of its use. Not for bully, abuse. A super man. Where I stand. But, not named, Bruce. Or Clark Kent. A man of "spider ". Webbing connections. Broadcasting, without deflections. Always. Deep on introspections. Naturally, of selections. Not a "Peter ". But, rap rhyming a "parka ". Commanding like, Hannibal Barka, of Carthage. Bringing negativity's "Rome". To its locked down knees. On life's stage. With positive rage. Some call sage. Uplifting gifting. Of its wage. For any age. To defume. Negativity, stinking life's room. Not born in Indiana. But, to negativity. A, "Temple Of Doom "! Sonic, chronic. With rap rhyming tonic. Not, "Six Million Dollar Man ". But, powerfully. Communications, bionic. Like eating. A burger with fries. From, "Sonic "! First to star. A verse, or bar. On my tour. Lasix surgery giving Seymour. From myopic. To 20/20 seeing. As a human, being. Life spreeing, freeing. In the end.