

Faith's Coda
Vass umbra Lurked endlessly
In the Stygian night with
No stars in the sky to wish
For the Heaven's Light.

Somber grass touched the foot
Of a man running from 'Him' as
The sunless murky night is the
last night of the man running

Like a prey away from the Game.
Truce wasn't called as 'He' was
Unaware of the so called 'Faith'
is the one eluding from his Fate.

Rested in the lone broken cabin
begun the calling of "The One".
Settled down. On the Tiring knees,
Eyes closed, Prayed like ne'er before.

Pace of his legs is now unhurried,
Creaks risen his beats go faster;
In utter still, Eyes made a contact
Prayers concluded like his Heart.

Vanished into the darkness
Famished for the next...

And then there was two...

© Prakash JR