


Every silence has something to say,
It tells us a lot but in a different way.

Sometimes, the silence maybe loud,
but still unfathomable for the whole crowd.

In some cases, silence is a good answer,
but at the same time, it can be a big trouble enhancer.

Silence gives you space,
Not everyone can understand what does the silence says.

Being silent,
is way more better than shouting or being violent.

People are usually silent while they think,
because, speaking while thinking, is there any link?

Silence never concludes of any word,
but still wants every emotion to be heard.

Silence is deep as eternity,
Just try to feel it's ease and simplicity.

Every silence has something to say,
It tells us a lot but in a different way.

#Silence #poetscorner #Poetry #Writcopoetry #poem #silent