

If only I've Taught My Heart to be Kind
If only I taught my heart to be kind,
In the gentle dance of empathy entwined.
To grasp the struggles that others conceal,
Where compassion and understanding reveal.

Within the spindle of life, woven with care,
Threads of kindness, a fabric rare.
If only I whispered solace towards the wind,
A soothing balm for wounds I've kept within.

For in each step, a chance to being impart,
The grace of kindness, a healing art.
If only I had sow seeds of free goodwill,
Harvesting empathy on each distant hill.

Let me not be bitterful, my heart confine,
Instead, let kindness be my last lifeline.
If only I've taught my heart not undermine,
I'll try things over forever, one that'll not cline.

© TheRetro_Reader