

The song she sang.
The song she sang was sweet.

Wanted to sweep her off her feet.

Love her like no other.

Hold her like i lost her.

Raise a son and daughter.

Be there when she's sick.

Kiss her on the lips.

Watch her dreams come true.

She dosen't have a clue.

Never tell a lie.

Afraid to say goodbye.

Lay down by her side.

Look into her one brown and one blue eye.

Tell her i might just cry.

The song she sang was sweet but the lyrics are always a bitter capsule on the tongue.

Heart and brain gone numb from the beat of drum.

This was all a dream.

Heart betray my brain, makes a stain i can't ever get off my mind.

The song she sang was sweet
but she hates mine.
© KV-2-2-2