

The Twister
It was a cold and dreary night.
Storm clouds covered the sky.
No moon in sight.
Thunder rolling by.
Lightning flashing above the clouds.
Raindrops violently crashing upon the rooftops.
Fierce winds screeching so loud.
trash and debris, start dancing circles in the air.
Sirens start to sound.
A giant funnel appears from nowhere.
In the distance a little girl screams.
closer and closer, the sounds of windows crash.
Followed by the sound of cracking beams.
Destroying so many peoples dreams.
It all happened so fast.
how much longer will it last?
I quickly descend to my cellar door.
lock myself inside.
I wonder what else it has in store?
I hope no one has died.
And then Silence permeates the air.
Is it over? the thought crosses my mind.
I wonder if it's safe to go upstairs?
I'm afraid of what I might find.
I run upstairs and out the door.
all my windows broken, but my home is still intact.
my neighbors home isn't there anymore.
I ran over as fast as I could, knowing I had to act.
I ripped through the rubble and debris,
to the place their cellar used to be.
Oh thank God it's still there.
Sometimes life can be so unfair.
It took me awhile to clear the rubble.
Afraid of what I might find.
There's a heavy beam that's giving me trouble.
I hear a noise coming up from behind.
A familiar voice says, "we've got to get them out on the double."
As he throws me a long rope.
I tie it tightly, to that big old heavy beam.
The sounds of a tractor starting, gives me hope.
It's the farmer from down the way it would seem.
I hear people cheering from inside.
As that old tractor pulls the beam to the side.
The doors swing open, the Family is unscathed.
Man, it's been one hell of a day.
We all stand together in a circle to pray.
I invite my neighbors to my home to stay.
Oh, The Lord works in such mysterious ways.

© James L. Babcock Jr.