

the side walk is especially empty
accompanied with the songs of
sober singing Sparrows
The day was at it's dusk
and the night is only
a blink away from
the world I live in
and a mile to go before I sleep.

I could hear the sound of even a fallen pin
and smell the cracklings of fire
I could feel the heat from acres away
Alas! the floor was just at my feet
And the thought to live,
beyond what my expectations could meet.

I am acquainted by the cries of babies
and the proverbial falling of jericho's walls.
Fed up by my shadow beside me.
Although he was the least noticable
but now his even greater silence,
saddens me.

I sought to find a different me- not
the one that ligers in the vast void within me; A new version of me.
Crying at the sight of his reflection in the mirror; Pretending to be the black version of narcissus, only that I don't have
a wish to be a daffodil.

© PerryDe'poet