

need vs want
I want closure
But I need to move on

I want to make myself forget
But I must remember and forgive

something inside me wants to hurt you
It wants it really really badly
it wants to sneak a needle in your hair
stick a razor in your pocket
sneak a knife in your bag
and when you least expect it...
I could do something like that
I could do far worse
the thought of you bleeding and crying
the idea of it
it's so tantalizingly possible
it makes my mouth water to think of you in such pain
I want to watch you hurt
I want to hurt you
I want it so so much
The chances are right there
I have the means
I have the opprotunity
If I could just sneak one little thing
it would happen
but it's wrong
it's all wrong
I need to fight it down
I need to control myself
I need to make sure I don't do something I'll regret

For the first time in my life, I find that I'm afraid of myself.