

Timeline Of My Life
I usually was born in 1996
exactly like Alexxis Lemire
timeline of my life
was different from
how Alex Burriss and
his best friend Roi Fabito,
because he was born in the 1990s
his best friend was born in the 1991s
another thing about myself
no one knows about
I was similar to one of the famous
YouTuber from Wassabi Production,
due to being diagnosed with Down Syndrome
he was from Great Falls, Montana, and his family members were from the Philippines or North Carolina.
I usually was from America
but, my family members were
from Guangzhou Pingba and
Guangdong Providence,
the timeline of my life in 1996
didn't remember how YouTube existed in 2006
at that time, I was actually in elementary school
at that moment when my baby brother was born.
The timeline of my life in 1996,
live my life without the realization YouTube exists,
two years later after
graduated from middle school
we moved across the I-90 flowing bridge.
The timeline of my life in 1996,
that was when I started my high school days
the first time I had ever seen YouTube exist
was when I opened up my first laptop and
listen to my favorite boyband One Direction
but, at that time I didn't realize that Wassabi Production existed on YouTube.
In the timeline of my life,
the first time I ever know
Wassabi Production exists,
was when one of my mom's folk grandsons.
we waited to go to the waterslide while we waited.
We usually watched Call Me Maybe Parody by Wassabi Production,
I graduated high school in 2014
the first of my Transition Program in 2017
didn't remember how their Wassabi Production
ended in 2016,
end of my Transition Program with an honor
the first time I ever watch Wassabi Production
on my own and added their videos.
Used to create my own YouTube channel,
start to add a lot of different videos especially
add all of Wassabi Production videos,
after four years of college
similar to Roi Fabito.
the first time I was trapped,
was when I couldn't communicate
or express what I feel by words,
the only thing I ever do
was behaving inappropriately at times.
Never knew the consequences that I faced
similar to the Famous Alex Wassabi
used to be in a lot of trouble as a
teenager in high school.
That is the reason why,
I had dropped out of my four
year of college,
used to have a bad reputation
had a bad experience in high school.
That is the timeline of my life

-Laura So

© LauraGemini