

She rises from the ashes,

Donning infinite avatars,

Sending the vile searching for cover,

And begging for mercy and a drop of water,

through barren lands she treads,

her power weakened beyond amend,

the first draws of blood crawls down her shoulder,

as she goes farther down the icy yonder,

the icy terrain juts in unwelcoming arcs,

feeling her heart with blazing relapse,

of the events that led to this,

wash-hard ice and raging sand labyrinths,

the adventurer in her seeks to end this plague,

and journeys to the west despite the haze,

that brews in it's icy crackles,

to fill her with it's mad jangles,

the hall of despair thickens before,

shifting and wilting to be led to asunder,

feeling her with misery and loss,

drilling into her the the unwanted darkened green of moss,

she picks herself over and over,

as she fights to the end,

to rid this land of the plague,

putting out infinity of her gains,

rising as every torrential storm blew past her.

soon she finds the cause of the misery,

and sends it to the blazing drizzling.
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