

Light Our Flames Within
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way.
The way won't be easy, or be colored black and white,
It will be all shades of grey, inscrutable from the wrong or right.
Just look around you and see what's it today,
Life feels different, our minds in disarray.
This sorrow of watching a baby tug at their lifeless mother.
How do we let go of this, as if it's a human story another!
How do we brush this aside, the angst that we feel?
The crushing burden of privilege, and not doing enough to heal.
Are we not somewhat to blame, or is it just survivor's guilt?
Was it our apathy, or this is how the world is built?
If we are to open the door to tommorow,
It has certainly got to be a more thoughtful one.
We can't really drive past this sorrow;
Not without a chance at life for everyone.
That is the way to live as brothers.
That is the way to see happy mothers.
We can't keep ourselves warm, while we see other souls burn.
It's time to light our flames within, that is the lesson today we learn.

#life #lockdownthoughts #migrantcrisis #compassion #kindness #human #humanity @natehc