

Classroom crush (part 2)
I look at you from distance
It makes me happy by feeling your presence
When you suddenly look at me, I loose all my sense
Is this what you call a love?? The bitter sweet essence

Walking in the hallway
I try to peek a glace your way
Just see you talk and walk, I shut my mouth with nothing to say
Wish you would talk with me someday

In the mirror, my self I see
I want to be the beautiful me
I put on a lot of effort for you only
If I ever I asked you out, would you agree??

I look at you in the classroom
If you turn towards me, my heart starts to bloom
Your glance washes away all my gloom
My nervous system starts to knit a heart with the nerve loom

Why do you have to avoid me??
Am I that ugly or just very small to see??
I am drowing in the waves of your sea
You are addictive like a coffee
You keep me awake like leaves of tea

© IceFire