

Stolen Identity
It's crazy how things happen at times...
i was constantly bound in chains, constantly wandered in the wilderness, in the cold
constantly tore at my flesh, inscribed wounds on my self
constantly naked,
constantly avoided...
i was a mad man.
many times i raged
many nights i cried, because of whom i had become, because of this identity... Madness.

By now, I know you might be wondering " What is he talking about? "
well, let me come out clear... I wasn't always like this
my real identity was stolen, stolen and replaced with something else... Madness.

I had no control of myself,
no hold on my feelings,
no say over decisions I took...
This wasn't me, why was I like this?
I wandered from tomb to tomb
seeking for my identity.
Then one day....
while sitting in a tomb, I looked out and saw a man climbing out of a boat.
"He must have come from the other side of the lake" I said to myself.
as I kept staring at him, something clicked in my heart.
this man seem to have what I've passionately sought for all my life— my identity!
"you must be crazy!" that was one of the voices that controlled my mind, " ...that guy is just like every other man you've seen. ignore him, he has nothing to offer you! "

All my life, I have listened to these voices in my mind. and what did I get in return? They drove me crazy!
"well..." I said to myself " ...since I am crazy, let me do what any other lunatic in Gerasene would do!"
and with that, before I could restrain myself, I ran out of the tomb to meet him!
I ran as fast as I could.
the more those voices tried to stop me, the faster I ran.
then at last, I met him! and as I did, I bowed before him in reference.
And just as I wanted to cry out to him for help..." why are you interfering with me, Jesus, son of the Most High God?"
"oh! not this nuisance!" I cursed. The "strong man" that dominated my body, and stole my identity, interrupted my cry for help. He continued, "... I beg you in the name of God, don't torture me! "

ever since the "strong man" stole my identity, he controlled my words and actions too. deep down, I struggled to be free from the strong man's grip, but I couldn't.
"oh!" I thought, " oh if this Jesus can look beyond this strong man and see the struggling me!"
Just then, Jesus looked at me intently and asked, "what is your name?"
I was shocked! he could see me! people don't ask for my name, they'd rather call me "The Madman of Gerasene".
but just as I opened my mouth to reply...
" My name is Legion, because there are many of us inside this man." " oh not again!" I thought as I bit my lips.
My name wasn't legion, it was the strong man's.
But Jesus knew, and he was determined to get this Strong man and all the others that had been tormenting me, out of me. so they started begging him not to send them to a far place.
pointing to a hill nearby, they said" send us to those, let us enter them." I looked up, and saw a herd of pigs feeding on the hillside,
" poor creatures!" I said to myself.
and as soon as he gave them permission, they all came out screaming and not wanting to let go, and finally, they entered the pigs!
I watched in horror as they plunged the entire herd of about 2,000 pigs into the lake, drowning them!
I WAS FREE! my sanity was finally restored!
and when people from the surrounding country side came out to see " the madman" screaming at the top of his lungs and tearing at his flesh, they saw a perfectly sane man, sitting and fully clothed.
But since they couldn't comprehend what happened, they begged Jesus to go away.

I sat, completely amazed at what this man had done. Although I didn't really know who he was, I believed he was truly the son of God!
And just as he was leaving, I made a request — to follow him everywhere he went! but Jesus had something else for me...he gave me a new identity!
"Go" he said, "to those who once knew you as " the madman" and tell them everything the Lord has done for you. Go home to your family, and tell them how merciful he has been."
so straight away i did as I was told. I visited the ten towns of that region, "Hey look!" I said to everyone " I met a man who gave me a new identity! "

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