

What parts of you would awaken,
If I told you cupid was my friend,
Friendship that has always wanted nothing more but pure serenity and peace for me,
How memories race in my mind about those crazy getaways we now tilt our heads about laughing until our stomachs ache and tears are allowed to be our muse for the time being,
The kind that shares kisses and heavy words of "I love you" ten thousand times in a minute,
Cupid has always let me trip on my own shoe laces of love,
Watched me stutter when love get's near,
Had the share of rain when tornados collected everything inside of me.. because the heart knew that it wanted.
She's been in my corner on days when I least knew what to do with myself,
She ran hot baths filled with soothing words of "you matter, and I care about you",
And trust me,
Like your asking yourself right now.. I've done so too.
Reminisced as to why her saving arrow never flew across the room and saved me all the trouble, be
But this is what she says,
"You see, what's the point of hypnotizing another when love is supposed to be an adventure. The type that makes your palms sweat, or your hands shake..if not that it makes everything inside of you rattle and remind you of your hoop scorch days,making your heart climb your ribs like they were monkey bars, that not a second passes and they're all you think about, you miss them like those parts of you you'd wished you'd clugg onto, to only find yourself asking for forgiveness as though singing songs to yourself"
So Yes, cupid has a harp and an arrow,
But then I'd miss how I'd fall for your wrinkles when you smile,
Or hold my hand when crossing the street,
Those 3a.m cuddles just to make sure I'm safe,
If not the thousand forehead kisses to guard my halo,
And the laughter that sounds like a song,
Knowing that your pamls sweat when we kiss,
Cupid wants me to choose you for you!
