

Walking with the Devil.
We talk, but dont take action. We fight against each other, although we are built as ONE NATION. We've allowed schools whom worship satan, yet educate with a false declaration. We remain quiet, as the government digs our grave with sinister divinations.

We help spread lies, and worry about everybody else's lives. We only strive, to be perfect in society's eyes. But we will always remain a person they despise.

We demand privacy, but eavesdrop and twist conversations. We talk about freedom, meanwhile fight endless wars. We hate against hypocrisy, but we are hypocrites at the worst.

We talk about society, and what is expected. We follow these guidelines by forceful habit, so we can be deemed perfected.

We talk about God, while we follow Satans tactics. We must learn to be resilient, against evil havoc.
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