

"Little" Achieved
Often we are in situations that are in disarray.
Sometimes as well it's seen as a lazy incompetence.
When in reality, we bear no mind to it; only the prioritized task at hand.

A fresh college student who's panic is displayed through thrown papers, binders and folders.
A detective on a sleepless night. New and used takeout strewn about the room while desperately figuring out the ultimate cause.
A regular office worker working late with their stack of papers. Alone in the dark.
A depressive individual who whittled away in the solitude of their misery with their scattered bits of memory.

Many different stories that all connect differently.
Eventually, they pass, but always seem to come back.
Consistent occurrences tamper with the thoughts and abilities in oneself.
What is displayed a number of times isn't as simple to the eye.
Roots of the past that can't be pulled up.
Frustration built upon the inability to achieve.
We fall short of the finish line although we gave it our all.

But it doesn't define what we are, who we are, nor what we are capable of.
A petty reasoning to disrupt one's capability of believing.
Until we can truly resolve the ignorance of the unknowing individuals, we cannot resolve catastrophic occurrences.

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