

I'd rather die
I'd rather die
than go through that shit again .
Ain't shit,it's called pain .
you out of all people ,did that to me .

Don't act surprised ,you know what you did.
you banged my head against the wall.
never seen u like that, you were all big and aggressive
this ain't the man I fell in love with !

That day you smelled alcohol
you throbbed me like a kid.
The following morning you apologized then said I made you mad
that I drove u to that
the nerve asking for forgiveness then say it was mistake .
Then I forgave you that's what I always did .

Everyday was torture ,thinking about what mood you'd be in
the throbbing never stopped
till I threatened to leave in time I left

now you sorry ,want us to work things out ,try again ,are you insane?
I'd rather hang myself than go through that again .
Don't know you anymore
lucky I excaped.

© Antonette.k