

A mirage of my mind
I run across to a land bathing in sun
Where greenery spreads vividly till my eyes moan
I hear prophecies of the talking trees
Oh how they bosom my grief
Oh how they channel my dreams!

Some travel lengths piercing the sky
The clouds do not weep
They scatter and they unite
They soak up my tears and form caricatures above
Oh how they desire the astonishment in my eyes

The rays veil the tenderness of the grass
Caressing the morning dew, soothing my broken parts
My flaws lay naked merely do no harm
Oh I feel no less than whole
Oh how I reminisce my healing heart

The crickets, the dragon flies and the tiny hummingbirds
They sing to me their most audacious chants
Oh they laugh, they run and twirl around
Their valor to fix my lack of charm

Oh how I often elude me to an abyss
Not knowing it is nothing real
Oh how I wish I never be awakened
Oh how I wish it be the only truth I'd known.

- Kirti G.