

Love blinded Eyes
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,
The statement is never wrong, because
When you look at something with passion,
It transforms in to a magestic masterpiece.
But when viewed with hate and dislike,
it turns into an unattractive showpiece.

We often think, why the person is so unreal, so exquisite.

When in reality, we are in trance,
And everything is different.
Because, neither they are unreal nor truly magnetic,
It’s your eyes, your feelings, and a lot of oxytocin.
It’s your delusional heart, not their charming smiles,
It’s the illusion in your mind, draping them in golden glow.

It’s not them casting a spell on your heart,
it’s your own mind playing tricks.
To you, they seem perfect, but they too have their flaws,
But unlucky , love blinded eyes, often ignores the flaws.

Remember it's not them, their eyes, or smiles,
It’s you and they way your heart compiles.

© htk