

Your needed dose of true things
Hey, people judge everyyy single day
It's not good i know
They say bad things like
You need to have blonde hair, a slim waist,
You can't be overweight, you should shut up and be more girly, be manlier you seem a girl.
You know what, leave them to judge what's wrong in themselves because you, you
ARE PERFECT the way you look, the way you smile, the way you talk.
Remember we are so pretty so so pretty when we let others see who we truly are: THE BEST VERISON OF MYSELF, MY TURE SELF
You want to be an unicorn? Get that costume and go scream the world what a beautiful unicorn you are

You want to be an artist? Do it there will be people with your same taste to love you

You want to be yourself? YES yes be yourself create kindness and love
© The unknown person