

Timekeeper's Lament

I stand and watch, a steadfast friend,
As moments flee, and hours descend.
My hands, a circle, infinite spin,
Marking time, as life slips within.

I see all things, from dawn till night,
Births, deaths, laughter, and endless fight.
I witness joy, and tears, and sighs,
As seconds tick, and years demise.

My face, a canvas, frozen in time,
Reflects the lives, that entwine.
I hear the whispers, of yesterday,
And tomorrow's hopes, in disarray.

My mechanism, precise and cold,
Beats like a heart, that's grown old.
I count the moments, lost in space,
And mourn the time, that cannot replace.

Yet, I remain, a constant friend,
A sentinel, till time's end.
For in my rhythm, lies a truth profound,
That time keeps moving, without a sound.

My chimes, a reminder, to cherish each hour,
To hold dear, life's fleeting power.
For as I tick, and tock, and sway,
Time slips away, night and day.

© Mercy