

Relationship💞: Responsbilty of two👫
वो 10 बार करे move on होने की बात,
बार बार करे past की बात
वो ग़लत नहीं हैं।
आप एक बार करो 'move in' की बात
उनको बात लग जाती हैं।

If you can act fake,
someone else also can be so.
And if you want
your words and post
to be taken lightly.
"Be the one first
what you want others to be"
They say
I shouldn't mind,
reading his words or post
comments and everything etc etc
he says online..
it's all fake.
Ohkay fair enough... understood.
By the way
what's the need of being fake?
Is someone asking you to be so?
Or wanting you to be so?
Or you want something someone to show?
Or you are getting money for being fake.
it may be your hobby
or passion that you follow.
But what's it's base?
well ohkay,
may be you are right
at your part
I may be
lesser understading..
as a person.
Or may bit old fashioned
or off-beat person.
So not getting
the need of being fake.
May be it is
today's necessity,
of being fake.
And I may be
belong to the
primeval age,
so may be
don't understand
the need of
the world today
But If
what you do
or doing is right..
Then why did you mind?
Seeing my Dp
or status
with another guy?
Tell me!
Even though
I mentioned there
"only friends"...
so it doesn't hurt you.
But it did.
It did hurt you
I know it very well,
it hurt you badly...
I know it.
If I am wrong now here,
and you are right
now-here- there
and everywhere
then why did you feel bad?
I complimented my friend
in my way!?
If I shouldn't
take your posts seriously!
Then why did you
took my posts seriously?
If you want me
not to take your post seriously!
Or judge you!
Buy your post,
or what you write online.
then why did you
judged me?
For my post!
and now
judging me
for my post..here?
Why you are taking
my post seriously?
If I shouldn't.
Question yourself first..
Before answering me
Realise yourself first
before blaming me.
Accept yourself first,
before expecting me to be
what you want me to be
ताली एक हाथ से नहीं बजती,
it needs to hands together..
to clap rhythmically,
on the rhymes
and the melody of life.

© S🤍L