

Life Without Little Sister
"A silence echoes, where laughter used to ring
A emptiness gapes, where your smile used to sing
Life's canvas, once vibrant, now dull and gray
Without you, little sister, every day's a fade

Memories linger, of times we shared
Whispers of moments, we once dared
But now, your absence, a hollowed space
A longing that gnaws, a heart that can't replace

The world moves on, yet I remain
Frozen in time, where we once sustained
A bond so strong, a love so true
Now, just a memory, a longing anew

In dreams, I see you, with a smile so bright
But dawn awakens, to an empty light
Life without you, little sister, is a test
A journey through shadows, where love's the best

Yet, even in sorrow, your memory stays
A bittersweet reminder, of joyous days
And though you're gone, your love remains
A beacon of hope, that guides me through life's pains"
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