

We have 3 stages in our life.

The first one is when we are a kid
We play a lot and like we always did,
We only have one problem
Our problem is how can we play with our best tandem.

We only eat a lot and mind our toys
Even just a simple toy can bring a joy,
We laugh hard in just a simple jokes
We laugh at other's idiot acts until we chokes.

The second one is our teenage life
Where we feel alive and love,
The most enjoying stage
But also the painful one.

We secretly love someone
We had a crush to anyone,
Teenage life where we can realize about some things
How to get rid of problems or anything.

The third one is the adult stage
Where we have a lots of responsibility,
Not only for our self but for our future family
We will try our best just to live happily.

The stage where we wanted to go back to being a kid
Where we don't feel anything and just play like we always did,
Where we only have one problem and one pain
Not to feel sad, mad, or drain.

When we will reach the adult stage more realizations will come
We will wish that when we spend our time in teenage life we should plan what we will become.

We play.
We laugh.
We hurt.
We have problems.

So, enjoy your life as a kid.

Know how to limit yourself as teenager.

Rest and feel relax, remember all the good times if you reach adulthood.

Our responsibility will not going to end, unless we die.

Atleast we are happy
We spent time experiencing pain.
Pain will make us stronger.
Lesson in life make us smarter.


© Skyler