

A word that has become so fake
That even hate is seen as love.
Is it really true that we love each other
Or do we just look at the benefits of it?

Love , a word so vague
That I find it hard to believe
When you say 'I love you'.

Keep your love to yourself
I don't seem to need it.

Nothing is interesting about love anymore.
The hope of finding 'true love' has vanished
The hope of receiving roses on Valentine's day
Has me sick to my stomach!

Am I just becoming toxic
Or the world around me has changed?
Is it because I failed to find some love
Or I never actually cared about it?

Keep your love to yourself.
I can't bear the thought of you loving me
I can't bear the idea of 'us'

So please erase me from your thoughts
For you are not in my head.
And as for Love
Love yourself, dear
© Bettina d'Andrea