

An Incomplete Love Story..
Beneath a tapestry of shadows, a tale unfolds,
Of two hearts intertwined, yet not fully consoled.
An incomplete love story, destined to be told,
Where love's tender flame never truly took hold.

He was a whisper of stardust in the night,
With eyes that held galaxies, shining bright.
A soul seeking solace, a love's sweet flight,
But fate's cruel hand dealt an untimely plight.

She was a melody that danced with the breeze,
Her laughter a symphony that put hearts at ease.
In her gentle presence, he found release,
Yet destiny's plan took a different lease.

They met under the moon, where dreams align,
Both souls reaching out for a love divine.
But life's intricate tapestry, so unkind,
Wove them together, only to unwind.

Each encounter a fleeting, stolen glance,
A touch of hands in a moment's trance.
Their hearts pulled together in a cosmic dance,
But the universe kept them in a separate expanse.

Life's demands and distances grew,
The timing was off, their love askew.
And though their connection felt so true,
Circumstances dictated what they could pursue.

Their love story remained a fragment in time,
A chapter unfinished, a rhythm without rhyme.
In parallel lives, their hearts would chime,
Yet their union, an elusive paradigm.

In their hearts, a longing forever dwells,
An incomplete love, with its untold spells.
But sometimes, incomplete tales cast the most magical spells,
And their love became an eternal flame that swells.

For in that unfathomable cosmic weave,
They found solace in what they couldn't achieve.
A love that defied the bounds of reprieve,
An incomplete story, yet they still believe.

Perhaps in some distant, celestial space,
Their love will find its rightful place.
Till then, they carry the memory's embrace,
Of an incomplete love, an eternal trace.

© Imaginoid