

dust to dust
I am standing over 5 bodies of children,
beside them is the woman who pushed
out her body, the man next to her is her
husband, the father and husband to these corpses?

numb, I stand, blank,I without focus
stare at the faces of the once alive people
they were scarred, broken, crushed
and worse of all without life.

if only their side of the school building
didn't collapse
not if only they didn't have an exam
to write
if only they didn't come to school
this morning

Only if they had stayed at home and with a flu
they will fail their exams
but yet be breathing, if only they had known
this morning that the sunrise was not going
to set before their faces but over them?

I tried not to imagine their pain, their fear,
tried not to hear their cries
and the shock they felt, their last words as their
lives being yanked off, if they watch
their souls separate forcefully it shell.

12th july 2024, the soil of busabuji
drank the blood of children,
yanking their lives short, leaving their love ones
hopeless and half dead, causing unrepairable

they are dead those who were alive this morning.....