


What is hope?
The little boy asked.
This is hope I told him;
Having to hold on to the pain
Of the world in order to regain
Your sanity at the end of the tunnel.

I told him hope is waiting
For the setting of the sun,
Longing for a new dew;
After a long night.

I told him hope is waiting
and praying for an end to corruption, nepotism, robbery, banditry, and for a better morrow.
of which prayer is not wild enough to quench its fire of it's trench.

I told him hope is praying for a safe return of our fathers from a long dawn war; hopefully coming back with, if not a scar not worthy of scarcity but for bravely not bribery.

Hope is hankering for the best,
Despite the worst.
Under the nest,
of muse not precised;
To reside for better days.


© Josh De Kreative Ink