

Orange Mixed Emotions
Why are my emotions feeling like a slot on the colour wheel?
With hues on a palette blended to conceal,
Woke up this morning feeling like a mixture of amber and ruby red,
Orange conflicting tincture of emotions messing with my head,
This production of orange should be a symbol of joy and encouragement and not lamentation,
But today I am in a state of perplexed agitation,
Trying to hold on to the yellow golden rays that brightens my days,
While fighting this bright crimson red anger boiling through my veins,
Questioning the meaning of life and the necessity for grief and pain.
Torn between happy with gratefulness
And feeling sad from mournfulness.
Why were you taken so soon and with no logical explanation?
I can never fathom death no matter all the rationalizations,
I know leaving this earth is guaranteed,
Both for angels and fiends,
But when the end creeps up unexpectedly on a gentle soul,
It can leave the living lifeless and wretchedly cold,
Even with the thought of you resting in a better state and place,
Love ones will still be left numb and with the grief that time cannot erase.

© Audrey Malcolm