

Melancholy of Memories v2
In the hush of twilight's melancholy,
Memories whisper, a silent symphony.
Ghosts of moments, shadows in the mind,
A wistful dance, in the echoes they bind.

Faded hues of laughter and tears,
Melancholy of memories, echoing years.
In the heart's attic, where recollections sigh,
A bittersweet lullaby, under the moonlit sky.

Faces blurred, like a distant dream,
In the melancholy, a poignant theme.
Tales of joy and sorrows untold,
In the corridors of time, their presence unfolds.

Through the sepia lens of yesteryears,
Melancholy of memories, like falling tears.
Yet, in their echoes, a gentle embrace,
A timeless connection, transcending space.

So let the melancholy gently sway,
As memories linger and softly say,
In the tapestry of time, where stories cease,
The beauty of memories, a timeless release.

© TheRetro_Reader