

Night's Illumination

You made a beautiful remark in a powerful whisper.
Taking my hand and taking me into the darkness in search of a brighter tomorrow.
I'm holding them, I'm encasing them in my arms.
Never giving up, in the presence of the night.
Deeper and deeper we went, the trees welcoming us.
I could never have imagined in seeing you to be the one who is meant for me to find.
The fairies awakening; the box illuminating with their glow.
Once we settled above the dead leaves of the earth,
We looked to each other's eyes and saying the words both:
"It is time."
We peel back the covers of the box; the fairies flew upwards with their wings into the air above us.
Those little beings feeling the joy of freedom, away from the dangers of those who wish to take their life as trophies of achievements.
Their wings fluttering, the golden yellow and blue-green of their skin glowing.
The father fairy looked at us with his family.
The face he made was of smiles, proudness and gratefulness, experiencing within him.
I smiled back, so was Laura by my side.
The family looked upwards towards the stars and we do the same as them.
The stars were beautiful, glittering above the heavens of the earth, far away beyond our reach.
I couldn't help but wonder about something.
"Does God make amazing creatures for people to be loved and treasured by them and us to them back?" Laura asked me, like the thoughts I was trying to form.
"God could make it happen, he has everything he needs to feel the love that is meant for him to feel and to give back the love that we crave within our hearts in subtle ways." I reply.
Laura smiled to me and reached out her hand towards the group of fairies.
"I would miss you all." she said, a small tear falling beneath her eye, "I would be here someday to visit you all. You all deserve to be free."
"And I will give thanks to you all," I say to them, "For letting me find the one that will help me guide towards the wonders waiting to be known in the future: Laura."
I hugged her and she hugged me back, the fairies chanting their language of prayers and wishes upon us all.
Is this what it means to be alive? Was this current feeling in my heart worth the pains that we have endured in the past? Would we all meet again someday?
I can never know the true answers for it for me to hear.
But what I will remember is this:
There's always something that is worth to find for your life. You just have to allow it to bring goodness to your soul and that goodness can come in strange and in beautiful ways we can't imagine and that can be enough to feel alive in this world that we live in.

© Renno B. Nel