

The moment there was a choice you've lost me.
When asked to choose between me and them you've got to choose them
It funny how the one who loves the most get hurt always.
Love is free but you pay the price for being in love
And I have paid mine
To love is when you feel hurt but still misses the person who cause you pain the most.
One day, when you wake up from coma
Just take a look at the faces you'll see around
Maybe just maybe it'll help you to know where to put your efforts
And in case you found no one you'll know that you've got to put more effort into "YOU"
Because you can search the entire universe to find a being who is"WORTHY OF YOUR LOVE"
And you"ll find no one other than "YOURSELF"
That's why in every situation you've got to love and appreciate yourself first
Before anyone love and accept you for who you are
Because you are your own "FIRST LOVE"........

..... Priscilla Martin ❤️❤️❤️