

Push through.
Not wanting to get out of bed, tired and cranky.
Made a cup of coffee to just spill half of it all over the bathroom.
It's cold and rainy outside.
Making my bones hurt, body tired and have low ambition.
I take a deep breath and say my day will get better.
I arrrived to work late, still saying things will get better.
I work for Volkswagen as there shuttle driver.
I drove a nice man to work and he asked if he should tip. I said oh no sir you don't have to tip, that's all up to you... He then proceeded to give me $10 and thanked me for the ride.
He has already made my day 10x brighter.
That $10 will go towards gas and I am ever so greatful!
I will keep taking deep breathes and say things will get better.
Pushing through the frustrations and looking forward to the better!

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