

I come in the volume of the book,
It is written about me:
To do Your will, oh Father
To enter by the blood
To walk blameless
Then stand unashamed,

You who has exalted Your word above You
You whose Word is forever settled
You whose voice is of many waters
A song of Heaven's throne
Louder than the thunder

The Word that brought forth Universe
A magical piece of work,
perfect in beauty,flawless in function
Thy word through which light entered men
Through which you call things that are not as if they are
The Word that never goes back in vain

By it You instruct as per Your promise:
"God's Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go".
For a Life established, I will listen
For joy in chaos, I will follow
For Promises obtained, I will seek
For intimacy, I will search
To Please You, I will Believe.
I will stay by the Volume of the book

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