

The Forest's Murmurs

A gentle breeze of the wind,
Brush between the leaves.
A musical call of creatures,
With their yearning, hopeful songs.

Like the world of Eden,
It's a hidden paradise of beauty.
Take a step in, listen closely,
And you'll hear the naturale.

The forest, albeit the showcase,
Gives us resources that we need.
All it takes is to preserve and lead
Our people to take care of Mother Earth.

But humans, they're double-edged;
They both serve and destroy life,
Such as deforestation and the like.
We may not notice, but we are dying.

If we take in the sounds and listen carefully,
The forest murmurs in despair.
They're asking us for a repair,
So we can all live in harmony.

And just like us, they, too, are alive,
Making us breathe clear, and survive.
That's why we must appreciate them,
And love them, for they're our support.

If you're somewhere out there,
Living with the natural world,
Take good care of them.
You are our only hope, and savior.

© Vyrene

(Photo from Reddit: The Last Light of Day Illuminates the White River on Mount Rainier)