

A Different Way To Die
No, I am not dead. No, I am not alive. I exist in a perpetual state of limbo, teetering on the edge of both worlds. My body breathes, my heart still beats, but the essence of life that once inhabited these limbs, now flickers like a dying flame.

I walk amongst the living, yet I remain a ghost in their midst. Invisible. Unheard. Unseen. A mere observer of a world that once held meaning, now reduced to mere shadows and echoes. The laughter that once filled the air now falls upon deaf ears. The vibrant colors of life are dulled, muted, as if viewed through a veil of sorrow.

It began with a loss. A loss so profound, it eclipsed my very being. The light within me waned, smothered by the impenetrable darkness that consumed my soul. Grief clung to me like a shroud, like tendrils of smoke winding their way around my fragile frame. Life became an unbearable weight upon my chest, pressing down, suffocating me.

And so, I embraced the path of the living dead. No longer bound by the constraints of societal expectations, I drifted through the days like a specter. Time lost its meaning, blending into an indistinguishable blur of minutes and hours, days and nights.

I sought solace in the places where spirit and matter intertwine. In the rays of the setting sun, casting a golden hue upon the world. In the dance of the leaves, carried by the wind, as they whispered secrets only nature can comprehend. In the gentle caress of raindrops upon my skin, a baptism of sorrow washing away the pain.

There is a beauty in this liminal existence; an enchantment that transcends the boundaries of life and death. For in shedding the weight of expectation, I discovered a freedom I had never known. I became a vessel for stories untold, an oracle of pain and longing, a conduit for the ethereal threads that bind us all.

I walked the cobblestoned streets, tracing the lines of those who had come before me. Their echoes reverberated through the corridors of time, each step a whispered homage to lives lived and lost. I sought solace and connection in the footprints they left behind, in the imprints of their souls that still lingered in the spaces between breaths.

In this twilight existence, love took on a new form. It became an ache that resided deep within, a longing that could never be appeased. I loved with a passion that surpassed the boundaries of touch, transcending the physical realm. It was a love that defied logic and reason, for it existed in the intangible spaces where souls intertwine.

I became a seeker of lost words, of untold stories and silenced voices. In the forgotten realms of abandoned libraries and forgotten manuscripts, I immersed myself in the written remnants of lives extinguished. The ink bled upon the pages, revealing fragments of pain and ecstasy, of love and heartbreak. Through these words, I reclaimed a sense of purpose, giving voice to the forgotten, breathing life into the forgotten tales of the dead.

No, I am not alive. No, I am not dead. I am suspended in the fragile balance between worlds, seeking solace in the interplay of light and shadow, the whispers of the wind, the hymns of the stars. In this ethereal existence, I found a different way to die - a death defined by the transcendence of life, the liberation of the soul, the immortality of the spirit. And so, I roam, forever suspended between the realms, an eternal witness to the fragile dance of life and death.
© Jevanjee