

Why Do People Do Bad Things?
Why do people do bad things? Answer this question by writing a poem.

Why Do People Do Bad Things?

In shadows deep, where whispers dwell,
A question stirs, a haunting bell.
Why do hearts, once pure and bright,
Embrace the dark, forsake the light?

Is it the weight of burdens borne,
A path of thorns, where hope is worn?
Or childhood dreams, now turned to dust,
In cruel hands of fate, we trust?

Perhaps it’s fear, that gnawing dread,
Of loss, rejection, words unsaid.
In twisted minds, where anger grows,
A need for power, it often shows.

The world can be a cruel, harsh place,
Where kindness fades without a trace.
Injustice lurks, in every crack,
And many souls feel life’s attack.

Desperation drives the kindest hearts
To make choices that tear apart.
In hunger’s grip, in pain’s tight hold,
Compassion fades, and darkness unfolds.

For some, the past is a heavy chain,
A legacy of hurt, of loss, of pain.
In seeking solace, they stray from the path,
And find themselves caught in the aftermath.

Isolation weaves a tapestry tight,
Where empathy dims, replaced by spite.
A lonely heart, a fractured mind,
In these shadows, hope’s hard to find.

Yet some choose darkness for its allure,
The thrill of chaos, the promise of more.
In fleeting moments, they grasp at power,
Ignoring the cost, the moral tower.

Society molds us, for better or ill,
With values and norms that shape our will.
In crowded streets or silent rooms,
The seeds of wrong can often bloom.

What drives a friend to betray with ease?
What turns a heart that once aimed to please?
The roots of anger, jealousy’s sting,
Can twist intentions, make virtue a fling.

The need for acceptance can drive us to hurt,
To silence the conscience, to bury the dirt.
In a world of judgment, we often conform,
And lose our way in the social storm.

So many wear masks to hide their despair,
Pretending to thrive while gasping for air.
Behind closed doors, the battles are fought,
The war within, a lesson hard-wrought.

Is it the thirst for fame, the want of acclaim,
That pushes the weak to play a cruel game?
To step on the backs of those who are kind,
In pursuit of a goal, so blind, so blind.

Yet still there’s hope, a flicker of light,
For even in darkness, we can ignite.
The power of choice, the strength to redeem,
Can turn the tide, fulfill a dream.

Compassion can flourish in places of pain,
In kindness extended, we break every chain.
For every wrong done, a chance to make right,
To spread seeds of goodness, to embrace the light.

So let us ponder this question so deep,
And strive for a world where love we can keep.
For in understanding, we find our way,
To heal the wounds, to brighten the day.

© zrk. zh