

**Echoes of the eternal extinct Soul**
Who Are You?Be it anybody.The world will always see us through their lens only.Your thoughts create your beliefs.Your beliefs create your convictions.Your convictions create your attitude.Your attitude controls your perception.And your perception dictates your behavior.God says, reject it.He gives us the correct image of ourselves.
My Loved ones seek a sign of my existence, a trace,
And the mirror whispers, "Show me your true face."
The wine, the book, all bear my marks,
And time kept writing my story in each heart's spark.

The mirror too now, asks for my presence, it yearns,
To see my reflection, to know in agony that I burn,
With passion and fire, with hope and with cheer,
To realize that I yet live, and my heart not fear.

In this glass of the mirror, I see a reflection so clear,
A longing for proof of my own existence, i hold dear.
The bottle of wine too, it drank up my songs,
As time etched the tale of each moment on my face, so long.

My eyes constantly search for a glimpse of my own soul,
A sign that I am real, and not just a mere goal.
But I am here,alive in every moment,
A presence that cannot be ignored, a love that's unbroken.

The bottle of wine, it drank this book of my poetry & songs,
The vintage of memories, the tales of my throngs,
It quaffed the essence of my soul, it sipped my heart's blood,
And now it asks for more & more,it demands a new flood.

The wine may have drank up my songs,
But my heart still sings,& my love still keep on grows.
In the depths of their eyes, I see my own,
A reflection of love, that will never be undone.

I kept wandering in pain, in search of a cure,
For the wounds that would heal, for the scars that would endure,
Through deserts & ocean of loss, through mountains of strife,
I searched throughout for a sign, a token of life.

Through wilderness of pain,hither & thither i now roam,
This world where love & loyalty find no home.
Yet other­where in deeper truths,my soul still sings -
Eternal rhythms & hymns, ancient wings.

For you are more than flesh and bone,
A sacred spark, a timeless tone.
This earthly veil but hides from view
The boundless Self that lives in you.

Though loved ones do not grieve your absence here,
Your souls spirits song rings ever clear,
Within the silence, listen well,
To the echoes of the eternal dwell.

So do not fade, do not despair,
Your essence shines beyond compare,
For in this dance of life and death,
Your soul's true music still draws breath.

The broken bottle, the book,& the ruptured face,
All pointers to your endless grace,
This world may fade, but you remain,
The eternal harmony's refrain.

As this is the place where loyalty is sold,
Where hearts are bought and souls are told,
A market of love, a bazaar of desire,
Where passions are traded, and love is on fire.

In this place of dreams, where love does bloom,
A market of hearts, where souls are sold in room.
Where loyalty is bought, and passions are traded,
A bazaar of desire, where love is displayed.

The air is sweet with scents of love so true,
Where hearts are bought and souls are told anew,
The fire of passion burns bright and bright,
In this place of love, where love takes flight.

In a realm of shadows, where hearts reside,
Where love and loyalty do eagerly abide,
Where loved ones now seek a sign of my existence true,
A trace of me, for them to hold anew.

The mirror, too, asks for my presence dear,
Reflecting all the memories we hold so clear,
This is the place where loyalty is sold,
Where hearts are bought and souls are told.

In whispers, secrets are shared and kept,
And promises are made, while hearts are slept,
The whispers grow, a gentle, loving sound,
As loved ones wait, with hearts unbound.

In this place where memories unfold,
Loved ones seek my existence sign, a story untold,
Of a love that's strong, & a heart that's genuine but anew,
An indication that they forgot to give in return, with love true.

In this market of love, where hearts are told,
That loyalty is the currency, that souls are sold.
The bazaar of desire, where love does reign,
A place of dreams, where love does sustain.

So come and buy, come and sell,
In this market of love, where hearts do dwell.
For here, in this place, love is the prize,
And loyalty is the price, that love does rise.

© Aneemkp