

Beauty of 🌎

Every soul that passes the gate,
Has passed a test of fate,
Trudging along on tired feet,
Almost there, refusing to be beat
The path is long and winding,
The journey hard and demanding,
But the soul is strong and determined,
To reach the end, undeterred and unfurled.
The sun is setting in the sky,
A reminder of the time gone by,
The soul is weary and worn,
But still it trudges on and on.
The road is long and winding,
The journey hard and demanding,
But the soul is strong and determined,
To reach the end, undeterred and unfurled.
The night is dark and cold,
The stars are shining bright and bold,
The soul is wearyBut still it trudges on with hope and dreams.
The path is long and winding,
The journey hard and demanding,
But the soul is strong and determined,
To reach the end, undeterred and unfurled.The morning sun is rising,
A new day is dawning,
The soul is weary and worn,
But still it trudges on and on.
The road is long and winding,
The journey hard and demanding,
But the soul is strong and determined,
To reach the end, undeterred and unfurled.The soul is now at the end of its journey,
The path has been long and hard,
But the soul is still standing,
Strong and proud, with courage and heart.The road was long and winding,
The journey hard and demanding,
But the soul is strong and determined,
To reach the end, undeterred and unfurled.
The sun is setting in the sky,
A reminder of the time gone by,
The soul is weary and worn,
But still it trudges on with hope and dreams.

The night is dark and cold,
But the stars are shining bright,
A reminder of the beauty of life,
The darkness of the night can't take away the light.
The moon is full and bright,
A beacon of hope in the night,
It's light is a reminder of the beauty of life,
And the courage to keep going on.The wind is blowing softly,
A reminder of the power of nature,
It's a reminder of the strength of the soul,
And the courage to keep going on.

The sun is rising in the sky,
A reminder of the beauty of life,
It's warmth is a reminder of the power of love,
And the courage to keep going on.The birds are singing in the trees,
A reminder of the joy of life,
Their song is a reminder of the beauty of life,
And the courage to keep going on.

The flowers are blooming in theA reminder of the fragility of life,
Their beauty is a reminder of the power of hope,
And the courage to keep going on.The stars are twinkling in the night,
A reminder of the mystery of life,
Their light is a reminder of thestrength of faith,
And the courage to keep going on.The moon is shining in the sky,And the courage to keep going on.The sun is rising in the east,
A reminder of the beauty of life,
Its warmth is a reminder of the power of love,
And the courage to keep going on.The flowers are blooming in the gardenA reminder of the joy of life,
Their fragrance is a reminder of the strength of friendship,
And the courage to keep going on.The birds are singing in the trees,
A reminder of the musicof life,
Their song is a reminder of the power of hope,
And the courage to keep going on.The stars are twinkling in the night sky,A reminder of the mystery of life,
Their light is a reminder of thecourage to dream,
And the courage to keep going on.No matter what life throws our way,We can find strength in the beauty of life,
Its reminders of love, friendship, hope, and dreams,
Will give us the courage to keep going on.
© Tarranum #poemchallenge #writco app#