

Once in a Scriber's Mind (part 1:draft only)
"A leap of faith" is what you may call it,
A chance to discover greater things far off and beyond;
With a lil' knowledge of what lies ahead.
Taking risks?
Ah, yes! Tis' maybe a win or lose situation--a gamble.
But what matters is, you tried.
And you will still keep on trying, right?
Dear, you may encounter rejections and doubts along the way, but please bear this in mind that every downfall and failure you've been experiencing right now are just part of the process called "SUCCESS".
It's a blessing from the Almighty himself.
Never lose your faith beacause everything will happen at the right time.
Everything will fall at the right place. Sooner.
Stay hopeful and humble.

©️ melai2024

(A draft...)