

Meaning Life
You started when I didn't want to
You ended when I didn't want to

When I don't want it, you want it
When I want, you don't want

When there is silence, you scream
When there is a cry, there is silence
when suddenly

Reluctance in pursuit of desire
You are stuck between nothing and me

I have no other complaints about a life that does not exist

When endings are beginningless
When my leg is short of life

The rise and fall of water has become the same
My life is like death

Between inhaling and exhaling, the meaning of living is lost

It seems that the meaning has died and has become meaningless

Tears and even smiles have become meaningless
Sadness has become meaningless

In pursuit of meaning, everything has become meaningless

Meaningless in search of meaning

Everything has become meaningless to me

Enough of searching for meaning

As if there is no more point on the line for meaning

Because the line of meaninglessness of life is complete

A lost person, looking for a meaning for life

Absurd and confused, involved in nothing

This is the meaning of this life

At the head of the repetitive twist of life, dumb,
dumb, confused, nothing

In pursuit of wanting this and that
Involved in nothing, nothing in this life

From nothing to nothing, tired of lifeless moments
Tired of watermelon, closed head, meaninglessness of this life

© Hossein Keshavarz Amandi

#Life&Life #poem #Love&love #sadness #helpless #alone