

The Story.
The story isn't the same.
never think it's always the poor broke person from the village that comes to the city makes it rich .
There are others who here who are over 30 years in the city but find themselves homeless.
The story isn't the same.
Do you know it's not every Worthy and rich person remain rich till death.
some become too broke that their very maids tends to take care of them.
The story isn't the same.
Never think it's everyone from the getto,from the Street makes it in life.
there are others who died as the same poor devastated getto boy.
The story isn't the same.
Never think it's the patience am waiting for the right person find the perfect person at long last.
some are past 60 and are still waiting..
The story isn't the same.
Don't be confused that there is a saying that
"little drops of water makes a mighty ocean"..
well it indeed dose.
But it's rather unfortunate the story isn't the same, because some people's drop e falls rather into fire and drys off as soon as possible..
The story isn't the same.
Be your own writer and decide your own how your story is going to be.
Don't think everyone story is the same.
it's true some had been through what you are going through now and made it...
But there had been some who couldn't make it as well.
Because the story isn't the same.

By George Whyte.
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