

Ethereal Reverie- Whispers of Serendipity on Common Ground
In that fleeting moment, our paths intertwined,
A common ground where our eyes aligned.
Mixed emotions danced within my soul,
As I wondered what secrets your eyes would unfold.

Did you speak of me, to your friend nearby?
Or were your words of another, passing by?
Hope and worry battled in my mind,
A delicate balance, hard to define.

Amidst the doubts, a connection bloomed,
A spark ignited, my heart consumed.
Yet fear whispered, "Could it be true?"
Am I just another fling to you?

But your interest, it shines so bright,
I can't help but fall, with all my might.
A one-sided yearning, I fear it may be,
Yet your smile tells a different story to me.

So I'll embrace this ethereal reverie,
With cautious hope and love's decree.
For in this moment, I'll let my heart soar,
And cherish the possibility of something more.

© aiidisconnected